Tuesday, November 02, 2004


I've instant messaged with a few friends today that I haven't talked to in a while, and it's remarkable that without ever having discussed politics before, we each assume that the other person is supporting Kerry, and we're right. In some ways it makes me feel warm, both because it's an easy solidarity and because it gladdens me to think that everyone I know agrees with me about what's right and what's wrong here. That doesn't happen much -- I'm really quite the contrarian. On the other hand, it makes me uneasy to think of the other 50% of the country, the unwashed masses covering the red states and even (by land area) most of the blue states. What are they talking about today? Are they worried that if their guy loses we'll lose our resolve in Iraq, whatever that means, and we won't be winning there anymore? Are they worried that they'll be forced to be gay? What do they like about this guy?


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