Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Working for the Man

I've been rather amazed about the size and scope and bureaucracy of the Large Insurer I've been working for for the last couple of months. The kinds of things they have people do:

--They have an ergonomics department who you can call if your desk chair is making your back ache.

--They have periodic "Jeans Days" but you still have to wear dress shoes and a collared shirt. Someone's job is to make up the rules for what is acceptable to wear on Jeans Day.

--They have several bus routes to take employees between buildings on their campus.

--They have a fountain in the lobby, and someone is employed to come in and clean it.

Not to mention the fact that corporate officers are near-celebrities, that many events and venues in the area and nationally are branded with the corporate name, etc. Not insulated in my boutique consulting firm anymore, Toto.


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